Breast Reconstruction

In my last blog post, Making Lifelong Friendships,  I discussed the amazing support group I joined at UCSF. As I previously mentioned I was initially very hesitant to join a support group and wanted to maintain focused on my own journey. However, after talking with my amazing medical oncologist she suggested I look into a program she created especially for…

Read more about the article Mastectomy Recovery Favorites
Mastectomy Seatbelt Pillow

Mastectomy Recovery Favorites

In my previous post I discussed my journey following my bi-lateral mastectomy. I discussed the healing process and possible complications. To read more about the process, I have included a link to my previous post.In this post I will be sharing 8 items I found to be very helpful during my recovery.  I have created this post to share items…


Post Mastectomy Complications

In my last blog post, I discussed the choice I made to have a bi-lateral (double) mastectomy. Despite this choice being the more complex and aggressive surgical option, I know it was the best option for me. I have included the link to my last post if you would like to learn more. Home from Surgery As mentioned in my…


Why I Chose a Bi-Lateral Mastectomy

In my last post, I discussed a few of the surgical options that are common in breast cancer treatment and the differences between a lumpectomy and mastectomy. As previously mentioned, surgery was always a part of my treatment plan and a key milestone for me. This post will discuss my surgical journey and why I chose to have a bi-lateral…


Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy

In my previous post, I shared 10 essential items to use or take with you to chemo therapy infusions. All of the items I share are things that I have personally purchased or received as a gift. Here is a link to my list of Chemo Essentials. Surgical Options Following completion of my TCHP chemo regimen in December of 2021,…


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